CRU Fall Retreat 2023

September 22-24, 2023
Camp Dixie, Fayetteville, NC

Cru at UNC’s Fall Retreat offers a chance to get away from UNC for a few days to meet new friends and connect more deeply with old ones, and to meet with God in a unique setting as we consider what Jesus means to us and how we live. Whether you are just starting to consider questions of faith, are experiencing doubts, or are a growing follower of Jesus, we hope you consider joining us! You can expect fun activities and competitions (go-karts, canoes, the blob, bonfire, and more!), relevant teaching from our speaker Yana Jenay (a local writer and Bible teacher in Durham), and space to process what you learn in small groups and on your own. Our hope is to create an environment where we can encounter God together in a community and help one another respond to him with our lives!

Interested in attending Fall Retreat? Check out our Instagram CruAtUNC.

Don’t have a car? No worries, we are happy to help coordinate rides!